Virus Precautions

I recently got an email from an irate customer who said that I sent him a virus in an email. This was however a misconception.

There are many Trojan viruses that will scan an infected computer's address list and masquerade as being from someone on that list. It will send multiple emails to everyone in the address list in the hopes that the recipient will open up the email and infect their own computer.

The best way to avoid virus infection is to observe the following:

  • Make sure you have antivirus software installed.
  • Make sure updates are current.
  • Don't install un-necessary software.
  • Don’t open e-mail attachments unless you are very sure that they are legitimate.
  • Don’t use file-sharing software.
  • Be sure to install your Windows updates.

If you suspect that you have a virus infection, contact the Cosoft support desk immediately!